Saturday, August 21, 2010

life in my zappato's

well fourteen years ago in florida a star was born on this day not just any star cutest star god made jk i aint cocky but today i turn fourteen i swear i thought i was fifteen but anyways i was lagging for a couple of weeks because i was in leesburg yeah never heard of that before than tallahasse then cairo,georgia i like traveling it gives you memories and i also wanted to go to school next tuesday and write about stuff i did this summer instead of that video game,tv shid i write every year yeah so in the last life in my zappatos post i said i will post every week a art of the week post but since i missed a week didnt mean i stopped drawing so heres some sketches of what i am working on lately isnt done but its a work in progress.
my two favorite things batman and girls xD lol practice sketch just something i thought of .
i have no clue but i was bored so i drew something not finished i think im gonna paint it or something idk.
so my mom cooked me breakfast this moring since it was my birthday but im trying to go vegetarin i dont i thing im gonna start tomorow because im craving lasanga and steak and hot wings lol and im trying to get in shape because i want to be on the basketball team this year and the ladies like it and ive been eating fat foods and been lagging on excersise so this morining i watched a excersise video and worked out for like one hour and thirty mins did a hundred and twenty five sit ups lifted some weights and i ran around my house about ten times because my neighborhood is filled with old pervs so im not taking that risk well thats all from this week but stay tune.-spud

Friday, August 6, 2010

kenny powers signing with k swiss

haha this vid is funny i just saw it kinda old but still funny i like the way he acts lol its hilarous especially in pineapple express as red thats was funny but oh this video contains some lango but the commercials arent as funny as i thought it would be i think there trying to hard to compete with the old spice man Isaiah Mustafa which nobody can compete with that guy is worth watching commercials like this is the first time i actually wait for the commercial to come on he should have his own show.

life in my zappato's

ok i've been away for awhile to be precise a month and two weeks in indy i learn that if you come out of your comfort zone you will make more friends you know what looks stupid to you look amazing to others and i also learned about change without change there is no direction and without direction there is no change i dont know how to explain that but its like one of those karate movies where the turtles like there is no land without flowers,there is no flowers without land like it has a meaning but it dont have a meaning and then the grasshoper is like explainination please then the turtle have a heart attack and why having it he says no grasshoper you explain and you dont figure it out until later in life when you have to fight a rabit or a squirrel but back to change is a major part of life to be different and change like i hate followers not on here but in real life like i wore skinney jeans before new boys came out and was called gay which im not or ever will be but what else would hater do if they see a kid in skinnies and olympians 6s looking fresher than them like i dont blame them but right when new boys came out everyone wants to wear skinnies and there is no more for me at the mall . im like the most conceited non coinfident person ever........ so i just want to start new hi im spud goverment name is anfernee but if that is too hard for your mouth and overbite just call me spud or cash(cashew) or paint because i like to paint and art is my second passion i dont know im stuck between art and fashion and poetry i want to be a tatto artist then i also want to be a clothing designer well ill get my ed hardy on but then i also want to work for pixar because i watched almost every pixar movie why not make one and one of the main reason why i love like art,poetry etc its more than a hobbie its a lifestlye it keeps me from doing drugs and remind me that there is something called life and i want it and i want to live it so you can say im above the influence well imma start this weekly art thingy because i do art weekly why not post it so heres my first weekly art post enjoi.
the artist life.
buzz and chewbacca.
te amo lorena.
welll she looked it better and person lol well that was my first post there will be more coming every week stay tuned-spud


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